swapd is a dynamic swapping manager for Linux. It provides the system with as much swap space (virtual memory) as is required at a particular time by dynamicly creating swap files. This is more convinient than using fixed swapfiles and/or partitions because they (a) are unused most of the time and are just taking up disk spacec; and (b) provide a limited amount of virtual memory.
This comment from Gabor Z. Papp from 2000 UTC is a good example of swapd can do:
With 128MB memory my server totally freezed 4 times after 3-4 minutes. Just starting some memory hog application, and its over. With swapd works fine. :)
swapd - tested with 0.2-11 - will not compile with recent kernels unless you remove or comment out the following line from swapd.c:
#include <asm/page.h>
Future Devellopment
Status on May 8, 2012 UTC.
This release will mostly just make it work on present-day Linux systems and is half-done, but I have rare Internet connectivity right now, so I can't finish it for a while.
dswapd-1.0 and dswapd-kernel-1.0
This release will rename "swapd - dynamic swapping manager for Linux" to "dswapd - dynamic swapping daemon", according to my decision from 2001.
It will be a complete rewrite of swapd and will use my Memory Allocation Vector (MAV) technology which will do everything automatically and exponentially more efficiently - there will be nothing you need to configure unless you want to use custom dswap directories. Also, it will hook into the kernel for increased performance.
The devellopment of this released has also been stalled by rare Internet connectivity.
If you have access to a heavy-load Linux system or are running memory-hungry simulations, download and run Memory Statistics 1.1 (detached OpenPGP signature). Make sure the system has the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) installed. It will gather memory use statistics at 1-seconds intervals, encrypt them on the 1st of every month at 00:00:00 using Memory Statistics' 2012-09-26 OpenPGP public key, and e-mail them to me. If possible, try to annoy some script kiddies to have them DDoS the system so that I can see what that looks like, memory-wise.
If you're the administrator of a heavy-load Linux system and are willing to test releases of swapd / dswapd, e-mail me. Note that you will, most likely, have to recompile the kernel each time a new version of dswapd-kernel (kernel hooks) is released.
You can always send Bitcoins to 1MSYtTApaELwPbf6vnLUspXavg8g9riAmi - the projects' Bitcoin address - to financially support the project.